One of the common diseases that can attack a horse is thrush. Thrush mostly affects the hoof of a horse and it is caused by either anaerobic bacteria or the general moisture that gets trapped in the hoof which consequently leads to a contamination in the hoof that can be very damaging to the horse if not treated at the right time

This distinct infection will eat away at the ornamental fastening region of the hoof that at first will lead to a slight ache but over time it can cause a total lameness in case it affects the tissues of the hoof. Normally, thrush is seen immediately, making it pretty simple to manage.

Horse thrush is mainly prompted by inadequate hoof care which can be lack of consistent trimming and picking. However, it can also be induced by unhygienic situations, poor circulation, poor diet as well as lack of exercise.

Some of the manifestations of horse thrush comprise of a foul smell that is very pronounced when you pick up the hoof, as well as a thick black pus-like material around the frog or on the frog itself. Again, you may observe that the frog is pale with deep grooves around it that are not commonly there. When the thrush has progressed, you might notice that the horse may have some lameness, as well as some severe and/or weak, heals.

In the wild, horses do not get the advantage of having access to a vet or farrier. A horse that goes stumbling in a wild herd can have serious issues if they get thrush because they will no longer be able to keep up with the herd or beat predators.

While the domestic horses have delicate feet versus those in the wild, they have the benefit of the human attention. The key thing about taking care of your horse is knowing how to treat thrush on a horse.

When taken seriously and performed perfectly, quite a number of hoof predicaments can be evaded with preventive keeping. A horse with bad feet is a liability to everyone, including themselves. Proper hoof care might be the most significant action you should take to ensure that your horse’s physical needs are met.

If your horse is already affected by thrush, we highly recommend Vet Aid’s Animal Wound Care Foam. This innovative product combines peptide enzymes with original minerals and elements to aid in restoring and preserving living cells. It is a sterile solvent made up of coral reef sea salt, lysozyme and reverse osmosis water.

What makes Vet Aid’s Animal Wound Care Foam different from other products is that it is an all-natural product that was created to disinfect and treat wounds without applying toxic antiseptics and disinfectants. Disinfectants, as well as antiseptics, destroy bacteria, though they are also detrimental to healing tissues, and the provocative cells that debride necrotic debris and dangerous bacteria.