Cats are usually very cautious and meticulous creatures. They will not jump on one edge if they are not sure if, for example, they will carry their weight. However, accidents occur and you’ll be able to handle them. You need to know when you get your cat to the vet immediately and when your cat is treated at home.

First, it is important that you have a first aid kit for your cat. You have one for your family and you also need one for your pets. Your collection contains many of the same elements, but it is necessary to have both sets.

For any injuries that may affect a cat, whether small or large, it is important to try to keep your cat as quiet as possible. This means that you’ll also be quiet. You will talk to pets carefully as you examine the infection. If someone else trusts the cat, that’s better.

Scratches and abrasions
For minor wounds such as scratches or abrasions, clean the area with an antiseptic solution such as Betadine. It will be necessary to remove blood, dirt or other contaminants from injury. If you like it, you can first wash the area with sterile water (bottled, no tap water). This way, you can tell if everything has been removed, but use Betadine if it is clean. Next, apply Vet Aid’s Animal Wound Care Spray to the area. Spray it right on the affected area about 4 – 6 times a day.

If they have minor scratches or scratches, you should not need bandages and you may find it difficult to keep the cat. The cat will also lick on this to speed up the healing process. Licking helps maintain the cleanliness of the corrosive. If they are not cured after three days, contact your veterinarian.

Smaller Wounds
Small wounds are likely to be treated at home as well. They are the ones that automatically stops bleeding after a few minutes. If it bleeds longer, contact your veterinarian. How to treat abrasions on cats at home, take some gauze clean and gently then press firmly on the pieces until the bleeding stops. Cleanse the cut as if it were scraping, then put a small amount of disinfectant ointment on the clean gauze and wrap the area with a strip of gauze. If the pieces on the tip or tail, it should be so easy. However, if the wound is on the body, fold it as much as possible. If you have a problem keeping the gauze on your cat, simply apply Vet Aid’s Animal Wound Care Spray. Keep a cat in a place where you can watch it for a few days to make sure it heals well.

I suggest that you maintain your “first aid kit for pets”. You do not know when you’ll need them.

Please contact your veterinarian if you have a wound that still bleeds or causes more serious injuries, or if you care about the cat at all. Most veterinarians have a way of dealing with emergencies or can tell you where to bring your cat.