The sun was up and my family has decided to have an outdoor activity for fun. But instead of having our barbeque in some fancy restaurant downtown, we decided to have it outdoors. And guess what? My cute dog, “Nice” has probably heard me and off he went very much ahead of us, jumping, romping around the backyard doing his outdoor activities for the day. But trying to take things under control at all times, and no matter how good your intentions are, accidents can happen.

It is good to know what to do when injuries happen and what to put on a dog cut. Taking into consideration that pets are unpredictable and don’t behave normally in a situation like this, getting too close for comfort is not advisable. This may cause resistance and agitation. If you have your pet dog, and depending on how close you are with your pet, this won’t matter, but you still need to take some extra precaution since dogs are too sensitive, compared to other pets, especially when they get injured.

The sound they make after an injury, most of the time, will tell you the extent of its damage. Gently and slowly, assess the extent of the injury. It takes a lot of love, so to speak when assessing an injury to your pets. Like taking care of your babies, your poodle or your dear Persian cat will be more than willing to undergo with your initial aid when it is done gently and slowly, even before the veterinarian comes in. Bear in mind that first aid care is never a final substitute for veterinary care.

When an injury lingers even after applying your first aid, it would be best to consult the nearest veterinarian. But your first aid will do wonders for you and your pet, at least in containing the pain in your pet and the anguish in you.

Keep your pet confined in an area to avoid the risk of additional injury and make sure there is enough comfort for them to breathe and move around. Safety first, as the saying goes. Your pets deserve to have some comfort too; they could certainly use a place where they can comfortably recover from the injury.

Make the medical records accessible and call the emergency veterinary clinic for more instructions. Being prepared is much more convenient than being aware. Be on guard always; accidents can happen at any time and in any place.

It is a must to have the first-aid kit for your pets. It should have a name, address and phone number of a veterinarian. Your first aid will do the dirty work; your veterinarian only takes the fee. But part of having a pet is the responsibility that goes with it, and so having that first aid kit is a must. Your pet will feel secure and loved.

You can also include Vet Aid’s Animal Wound Care Spray in your first-aid kit because it may not be necessary to see a veterinarian every time your dog is injured. However,  the cut on your dog needs attending to and this product can be a live saver on what to put on a dog cut.

Finally, learn the basics of the trade. Attend classes or seminars to have a better understanding on how to deal with pet injuries. Panic can come in, but with enough knowledge and preparedness, your pet can just sit back, relax and enjoy the benefits of your first aid love. These are simple steps for you and your dog so you can enjoy the outdoors knowing that if an accident does occur, you will be prepared to handle the situation. Pets, too, are a part of your family, they also deserve to have some sun and fun.