How To Treat Hot Spots On Cats
Once your cat has suffered a deep cut, the healing process can be difficult. This is always the case when the cat constantly scratches the wound and opens it again. Starting points for a solution are difficult to generalize, because on the one hand cats have their own head. In addition, the medication used and the size of the vacancy can also have an influence. After all, only very few animals scratch themselves bloody of their own free will. If this has nothing to do with an earlier compulsion, the cause is usually itching.

First aid in cats can save their lives in an emergency. In dangerous situations, it is important for you, as a cat owner, to know what to do. Learn here how to behave correctly when your cat gets into trouble but always refer to your vet first.

External injuries
Small injuries such as abrasions or scratches heal best in the air. For larger or deeper wounds, it will require quick and comprehensive first aid from you and your veterinarian.

Stitches and bites
Whether on the stalk, when “playing” with insects or in conflicts with other animals like dogs. Often it comes in such situations to bite or stab wounds. Although these wounds do not always look bad at first glance, you should take them seriously, because it can quickly lead to a dangerous infection. Especially with stitches you should take a closer look. Depending on where the cat was stung, such a sting can even be life-threatening.

Symptoms of stings include pressure sensitivity, frequent licking of the affected area and swelling; even with bite marks the symptoms are similar. Here, however, nausea, increased salivation, dilated pupils and trembling are added. If the cat has been stung, one should try to cool the sting. Then you should observe the general behavior of the cat, in case of stings in the mouth or throat but you should visit with your cat immediately the vet. This also applies to bite marks, because they have a high risk of infection, so always directly to Doc!

Open wounds
Open wounds do not always have to bleed heavily and are often difficult to recognize under the thick coat. Symptoms include traces of blood in the coat, as well as lameness, increased licking and sensitive reactions to the body region. If you have discovered an open wound, you should first remove all foreign matter and wash it with lukewarm water. If there are even larger foreign bodies in the skin, which caused the wound in the first place, for example splinters or shards, one should not remove these under any circumstances. They close the wound and prevent more bleeding. That’s why you should definitely leave the removal to your veterinarian.

If the wound is now cleaned, it should be covered with pulp or a tissue paper and then wrapped with a suitable cloth. You can also take a stocking or a tie. This emergency bandage should be so tight that it stops the bleeding and makes the trip to the vet.

Bruises, strains and sprains
Such “light” injuries quickly come to fruition when the cat is overconfident, especially when playing with other cats or dogs or misjudges the distance when jumping. Cold helps to relieve the pain while warm promote healing and blood circulation. As long as the cat behaves inconspicuously and soon an improvement occurs, you do not necessarily need to see the vet.

Of course, the health problems mentioned above are just a few of the types of injury a cat may suffer from an accident. In addition to external and internal injuries, there are still behavioral changes such as shock, allergic reaction or breathing problems. It is always important to keep an eye on your cat and look for abnormal behavior. As I said before, cats often suffer silently.

If you are in a situation where it’s the middle of the night and there are no emergency animal hospitals open, we recommend using Vet Aid’s Animal Wound Care Spray on the wounded area. Just apply it on the wounded area four to six times a day, also let the spray absorb into the skin naturally and don’t wipe it off.

It is important to know that in case of any doubt, you should always consult with your vet if you suspect that something is wrong.